• 中国科学论文统计源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 美国化学文摘(CA)来源期刊
  • 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(JST)

JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE ›› 2024, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (2): 262-266.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.02.016

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Identify the Bel Subtype of C.586T>C Mutation by Third-Generation Sequencing Technology

CUI Wenyan1, LIU Jinhua1, FU Weiyi2   

  1. 1Department of Blood Transfusion, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450014;
    2Xi 'an Haorui Gene Technology Co., LTD, Xi'an 710000
  • Received:2024-01-04 Online:2024-04-20 Published:2024-04-23

Abstract: Objective To identify the Bel subtype of c.586T>C mutation by third-generation technology, and analyze the serological characteristics of the Bel subtype blood group system. Methods The ABO blood type phenotyping examination relies on serological methods. In cases where there is a discrepancy between the ABO forward and reverse typing in a familial sample, the ABO gene's 6th and 7th exons are sequenced using Sanger sequencing. The full-length haplotype analysis of ABO gene was performed in 3 samples of proband and her children using the PacBio third-generation technology. Results The proband's serological phenotype is identified as the Bel subtype. Sequence analysis reveals a mutation at position c.586T>C in the 7th exon of the ABO gene. The haplotype analysis through third-generation technology confirms the proband's ABO genotypes as ABO*BEL (c.586T>C)/O01.02. As for their eldest son and daughter, their genotypes are determined as ABO*A1.02/BEL (c.586T>C) and ABO*B.01/ BEL (c.586T>C), respectively. Conclusion The c.586T>C mutation at the site is responsible for the molecular basis of the Bel phenotype in this case. PacBio third-generation technology enables accurate identification of ABO subtype haplotypes.

Key words: The Bel subtype, Blood group serology, Molecular mechanism, Haplotype identification, PacBio third-generation technology

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