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  • 中国科学论文统计源期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊
  • 美国化学文摘(CA)来源期刊
  • 日本科学技术振兴机构数据库(JST)

Responsible Institution:

Anhui Commission of Health


The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China (Anhui Provincial Hospital) Anhui Provincial Association of Transfusion

Editor-in-Chief:XU Ge-liang

Publication Frequency:Bimonthly


ISSN 1671-2587

CN 34-1239/R

Current Issue

2024, Vol.26, No.4 Date of publication:20 August 2024
Identification of HLA Restriction for Neoantigens and Evaluation of Anti-tumor Ability of Neoantigen Induced Reactive T cells
YANG Ying, LI Zihan, DING Xuping, ZHANG Jiamin, LI Qin, GUO Zhonghui, ZHAO Fengyong, YANG Qixiu, WANG Chen, LU Liming, ZHU Ziyan
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  433-439.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.001
Abstract ( 5391 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(388KB) ( 128 )  
Objectives To explore the possibility to utilize unrelated donors' cells as sources for adoptive T cell anti-tumor therapy, thus we need to identify HLA restriction for neoantigens and evaluate neoantigen induced reactive T cells' cytolysis ability. Methods 16 neoantigen peptides were used to induce 18 unrelated donors' (group 1) PBMC (peripheral blood mononuclear cells) into reactive T cells, and HLA typing was performed, the affinity between peptides' and HLA molecule was predicted by NetMHC database, then neoantigen with HLA-A2 restriction was selected to induce another group (group 2) of 17 unrelated donors' PBMC into reactive T cells, these cells would act as effectors, tumor cell line T2 cells or the tumor cells with the same source of this neoantigen would act as targets either, LDH release tests and RTCA (real time celluar analysis) were performed to evaluate the effectors' anti-tumor ability. Then these results were compared between HLA-A2+ and HLA-A2- samples. Results NetMHC database predicted neoantigen LM7 showed high affinity with HLA-A2+ antigens, 5/11 of HLA-A2+ samples can successfully be induced into reactive T cells, including 3/3 homozygous HLA-A2+ samples, while 2/7 of HLA-A2- samples with more reactive T cells. Induced T cells from A2+ samples showed higher percentages of tumor cells killed than those A2- samples(60.72±11.28 vs 47.2± 4.46, P=0.03). Conclusions Our study suggests prediction by NetMHC is more helpful in homozygous samples, neoantigens LM7 is confirmed as HLA-A2 restrictive, which can induce some HLA-A2+ PBMC into reactive T cells which can kill tumor cells more efficiently, unrelated donors should be screened not only by HLA-typing but also cell function tested, thus induced reactive T cells can take the roles as the source for adoptive anti-tumor T cells therapy.
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N-Glycoproteomic Analysis of FUT1 Knockout DAMI Cell Lines
ZHU Huijun, LU Ping
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  440-445.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.002
Abstract ( 168 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(391KB) ( 142 )  
Objectives Glycoproteins are critical in platelet physiology. In a recent study, histo-blood group Lewis y (Ley) antigen was found to be expressed on platelets. Since platelets are anucleated and we cannot directly manipulate their genes, we constructed an fucosyltransferase 1-knockout human megakaryocytic leukemia cell line (DAMI) in a previous study. A comprehensive N-glycoproteomic analysis was performed on the FUT1 knockout DAMI cell line, to reveal the roles of FUT1 on DAMI cell function and candidate proteins for Ley modification. Methods Proteins from FUT1-knockout DAMI cells and wild-type DAMI cells (each sample in triplicate) were extracted and digested into peptides with trypsin. Glycoproteins were enriched by mixed lectins and treated with N-glycoamidase (PNGase) F to remove glycans from glycoprotein, and then detected by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). Subcellular localization, gene function and KEGG pathway were performed in the identified N-glycopeptides. FUT1-knockout and wild-type DAMI cells were evaluated by static adhesion and flow adhesion experiments to verify the functions enriched in glycopeptides with differential expression. Results 1 110 N-linked glycosylation sites, 792 N-glycopeptides, and 592 glycoproteins were identified in FUT1 knockout and wild-type DAMI cells. Compared with wild-type DAMI cells, the expression levels of 59 N-glycopeptides in FUT1 knockout cells were significantly changed, of which 20 were significantly down-regulated (log2 (fold-change)<-1) and 39 were significantly up-regulated (log2 (fold-change)>1). The bioinformatics analysis showed that the knockout of FUT1 significantly changed the expression of glycopeptides involved in adhesion-related pathways and biological processes. Cell adhesion experiments showed that the adhesion ability of FUT1 knockout DAMI cells was significantly lower than that wild-type cells. Conclusion N-glycosylation analysis revealed that FUT1 had an effect on DAMI cell adhesion, which further provides ideas for subsequent research on its function in platelets.
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Antibacterial Effect of Platelet Lysate (PL) in Vitro and Its Synergistic Effect with Antibiotics
FENG Huihui, LIN Dan, YU Lu, DENG Gang
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  446-450.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.003
Abstract ( 125 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(293KB) ( 112 )  
Objectives To investigate the antibacterial effects of platelet lysate (PL) in vitro and its synergistic effect with antibiotics. Methods Escherichia coli (E. coli) and K. pneumoniae were selected for PL in vitro antibacterial experiment by microplate method and Oxford cup drilling method. Gentamicin (GM), platelet rich plasma (PRP) positive control and platelet poor plasma (PPP) negative control was set in microplate method, OD value was determined, and antibacterial rate was calculated. The diameter of the antibacterial circle was determined by Oxford cup drilling method. Results The antibacterial rate against E. coli was found to be GM>PL>PRP>PPP (P<0.05), and the inhibition rate gradually decreased with the decrease of PL concentration; The antibacterial rate of PL on E. coli reached its peak at 4 hours, and gradually decreased with the prolongation of time. The combination of PL and GM enhanced the antibacterial effect of GM, with PL+GM zone of inhibition greater than GM zone of inhibition. The antibacterial effect against K. pneumoniae was found to be GM+PL>GM>PL. Conclusion PL has a certain antibacterial effect, but weaker than antibiotics. Its antibacterial effect gradually weakens with the prolongation of time and the decrease of concentration, and has a synergistic antibacterial effect.
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Number of NK and T Cells Recovered from Leukocyte Reduction Filters and Its Correlation Factors
LI Ran, SUN Liyan, CHEN Tingting, ZENG Jinfeng
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  451-456.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.004
Abstract ( 4735 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(342KB) ( 196 )  
Objectives To assess the recover cells from Leukocyte reduction filters (LRFs) and their related factors, this study analyzed the number of natural killer (NK) cells and T cells from LRFs and whole blood (WB). The correlation between the number of these cells and age, sex and other factors was further analyzed. Methods WB and LRFs (400 mL) were collected from 51 repeat blood donors in Shenzhen Blood Center from July 2023 to June 2024. White blood cells (WBCs) were obtained by washing LRFs with PBS buffer. The cells from WB and LRFs were counted by blood cell analyzer. Mononuclear cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation. The proportions of CD3-CD56+NK, CD3+CD4+T and CD3+CD8+T cells were detected by flow cytometry. Statistical analysis was performed using GraphPad Prism v.9.0 software. Results In a certain flush volume, the number of total lymphocytes from LRFs increased with the increase of flush volume, but the cell density decreased with the increase of flush solution. There was no significant difference in the total number of lymphocytes from LRFs among donors of different ages and genders (P>0.05). According to the results of cell number and cell ratio, the number of CD3-CD56+NK cells from LRFs was different in age groups (P<0.05), but no significant difference was found in gender groups (P>0.05). The number of CD3-CD56+NK cells from WB in male donor were significantly higher than that in female donor (P>0.05). Whether from LRFs or WB, there was no significant difference in the number of CD3+CD4+T cells and CD3+CD8+T cells in different age groups and gender groups (P>0.05). Conclusion In a certain flush volume, the total number of lymphocytes from LRFs was correlated with the volume of the flush solution. The number of CD3+CD4+T cells and CD3+CD8+T cells were not significantly correlated with the age and gender of blood donor, while the number of CD3-CD56+NK cells was correlated with the age of blood donor.
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Modulation of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activity in Subtype Differentiation of THP-1 Cells after Phagocytosis of Aged Erythrocyte
LI Qin, ZHAO Fengyong, ZHANG Jiamin, YANG Ying, GUO Zhonghui, WANG Chen, YANG Qixiu, ZHU Ziyan
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  457-462.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.005
Abstract ( 4030 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF(495KB) ( 62 )  
Objectives To clarify whether NLRP3 inflammasome can modulate macrophage phagocytic capacity towards red blood cells (RBCs) and regulate macrophage subtype polarization. Methods THP-1 cells with low expression of NLRP3 (ID3 THP-1), cells transfected with an empty vector (shNC THP-1), and wild-type THP-1 cells were used as macrophage models. These cells were incubated with untreated RBCs, water bath-aged RBCs, and IgG-opsonized RBCs, respectively. Flow cytometry was used to detect the phagocytic rate of THP-1 cells to different RBC types and to measure the expression of M1 subtype markers (CD16 and CD86), and M2 subtype markers (CD163 and CD206) on THP-1 cells. Results ID3 THP-1 with reduced NLRP3 expression exhibited significantly downregulated phagocytic capacity towards RBCs. Aged RBCs induced the differentiation of THP-1 cells into the M1 subclass while inhibiting their differentiation into the M2 subclass. Decreased expression of the NLRP3 inflammasome in THP-1 cells led to a downregulation of their ability to differentiate into the M1 subclass following RBC phagocytosis, accompanied by their enhanced capacity to differentiate into the M2 subclass. Conclusion NLRP3 inflammasome can serve as a pivotal regulatory target, governing macrophage phagocytosis of RBCs and their subsequent subclass differentiation.
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Study of Viral Reduction by Methylene Blue with LED White Light in Plasma
MO Qin, HUANG Yuwen, LIU Hong, WU Xiaofei, JIA Yao, MA Rongna, WANG Xun
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  463-469.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.006
Abstract ( 4668 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(434KB) ( 61 )  
Objectives To evaluate the effect of virus reduction in plasma using LED white light. Methods Methylene blue was added to plasma at a final concentration of 1 µM. The activity of coagulation factors in plasma and the inactivation effect on Sindbis virus were compared by different treatment methods (10 cm/5 cm spacing, unilateral/bilateral irradiation), different light intensities (30 000 lx, 35 000 lx, 40 000 lx, 45 000 lx, and 50 000 lx) and different time points (10, 20, and 30 min) using LED white light as the light source. Results Increase time of irradiation led to increase of plasma temperature under 50 000 lx light intensity. The extent of increase was found to be greater at 5 cm than at 10 cm spacing, and greater with bilateral than unilateral irradiation. The 5 cm/10 cm spacing and unilateral/bilateral irradiation had no significant differences in their effect on coagulation factor Ⅷ and fibrinogen (FIB) activity. The 10 cm bilateral spacing was selected as the device parameter for photochemical treatment. Plasma was irradiated at intensities of 30 000, 35 000, 40 000, 45 000, and 50 000 lx, respectively. The results showed Sindbis virus in plasma was inactivated after 5 minutes of irradiation at different light intensities, with titer reduction >4 LogTCID50/0.1 mL. Factor Ⅷ and FIB activities were retained at the level of 70% and 60%, respectively after 20 minutes of irradiation. Correlation analysis revealed that there was no correlation between different light intensities and loss of factor Ⅷ activity. However, the effect of light intensities on FIB activity was more pronounced within 20 minutes of irradiation. A significant decline in the FIB activity was observed with increasing light intensities, although no significant difference was found after 30 minutes of irradiation. The irradiation time was found to be significantly correlated with the loss activity of coagulation factors, regardless of the light intensities. Conclusion LED white light can act as a new light source for methylene blue virus reduction. Under the right conditions it reduced viruses effectively and preserves the activity of the coagulation factors in plasma.
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Effect of 4 ℃ Cold-Stored Platelets Transfusion on Acute Renal Injury Induced by Hemorrhagic Shock in Rats
QIAO Mingming, Gongjuedunzhu, CHEN Yuanfeng, YU Yuan, YE Hui, ZHUANG Yunlong
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  470-474.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.007
Abstract ( 4014 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF(401KB) ( 51 )  
Objectives To investigate the effects of 4 ℃ cold-stored platelets (cold storage platelets, CSP) transfusion on acute kidney injury caused by hemorrhagic shock/resuscitation (HS/R) in rats. Methods 20 healthy male SD rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: sham operation group (blank group), HS/R model group (model group), CSP transfusion group, room temperature-stored platelets (RTP) kept at 22 ℃ transfusion group (RTP transfusion group). The rats were executed 24 hours after volume resuscitation, and blood and kidney tissue specimens were collected. Serum concentrations of creatinine (Scr), urea nitrogen (BUN) , cystatin C (CysC) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-18 (IL-18) in renal tissue were detected in each group. The expression levels of neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipid carrier protein (NGAL) and renal injury cause-1 (KIM-1) in renal tissue were detected by Western Blot method, and the pathological changes of renal tissue were observed by HE staining. Results ①There were no significant differences in baseline body mass, MAP, SCr, BUN and other indexs among four groups (P>0.05). ②24 h after resuscitation, the levels of SCr (P<0.05), BUN (P<0.01), CysC (P<0.01) were higher in the model group than in the other three groups; the levels of BUN (P<0.01), SCr (P=0.037), CysC (P=0.020) in the CSP infusion group were lower than those in the RTP infusion group. ③Compared with the model group, serum IL-1β and IL-18 levels were significantly lower in both CSP infusion group and RTP infusion group. Compared with the RTP infusion group, serum IL-1β levels were reduced in the CSP infusion group (P=0.041). Compared with model group, NGAL protein expression was significantly decreased in CSP infusion group (P<0.01), and KIM-1 protein expression was significantly decreased in both CSP infusion group and RTP infusion group (P<0.01). Renal histopathological results showed that CSP transfusion could reduce the degree of renal cell degeneration, necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltration. Conclusion Compared with RTP, CSP transfusion could reduce HS/R acute kidney injury in SD rats.
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Review of the Education Mode of Adolescent Blood Donation
FU Yubin, TANG Jinger, ZHANG Ting
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  475-478.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.008
Abstract ( 116 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(233KB) ( 172 )  
Blood donation without compensation is the health literacy of Chinese citizens. This paper reviews blood donation propaganda and health education related theory. The health education of blood donation without compensation is good to the participation of blood donation after the age of 18, the enough clinical use of social blood and the health promotion of citizens. In this paper we have also summarized already ‘Blood Donation and Health’ youth science project from 2020 to 2024 of Guangzhou Blood Center, and expects the build-up of‘city-district-community’ three-level linkage of youth blood donation publicity and education team.
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Analysis on Alleles of ABO Subgroups in Shandong Province
FENG Zhihui, BU Xiangmao, HUN Shouyong, YU Shuhong, ZHUANG Wenhua, SU Jun, ZHANG Wei, GENG Wei
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  479-483.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.009
Abstract ( 114 )   HTML ( 3)   PDF(268KB) ( 100 )  
Objectives Serology, ABO gene sequencing, and haplotype sequencing were performed on samples sent to our laboratory by medical institutions and blood stations in Shandong Province for suspected ABO subgroups. The distribution and molecular mechanism of ABO subgroup alleles in the population of Shandong Province were elucidated. Methods 239 blood donors suspected to be ABO subtypes and 701 clinical patients were tested for ABO gene sequence using PCR SBT method; Using monoclonal sequencing method to detect haplotypes; The software analyzes and compares the sequencing results to determine the allele subgroup of the sample. Results Molecular sequencing revealed 12 alleles of the A gene subgroup in Shandong Province, with ABO*A2.05 being the most common; There are 15 alleles in the B gene subgroup, with ABO*BW.03 being the most common; There are 6 types of complex ABO glycosyltransferase genes, with ABO*BA.04 being the most common; 6 cases of chimeric blood type. Conclusion ABO*A2.05 and ABO*A3.07 are the most common subgroups of the A gene in Shandong Province; ABO*BW.03 and ABO*BW.27 are the most common subgroups of the B gene; The ABO*BA.04 and ABO*cisAB.01 alleles are common complex ABO glycosyltransferase alleles.
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Feasibility of Nanozymes Application Against Oxidative Damage of Red Blood Cells
WANG Yujing, MA Haimei
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  484-490.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.010
Abstract ( 104 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(482KB) ( 102 )  
Objectives To explore the potential applications and possibility of nanozymes in reducing oxidative stress in blood products. Methods Inorganic nanoparticles with promising antioxidant properties were synthesized using the hydrothermal method. Morphological characterization was performed by transmission electron microscopy. By removing hydrogen peroxide and superoxide anion, we evaluated the antioxidant activities of the nanoparticles. The effects of these nanozymes on the morphology and function of red blood cells(RBCs) were analyzed via optical microscopy and spectroscopic techniques. Results Six distinct types of nanoparticles were synthesized and morphologically characterized, of which Prussian blue, hollow Prussian blue, ultra-small iridium, and ruthenium oxide nanoparticles exhibited more than 75% hydrogen peroxide clearance efficiency at a concentration of 1 mg/mL. Hollow Prussian blue, Prussian blue manganese oxide, ultra-small iridium, and ruthenium oxide nanoparticles demonstrated a superoxide anion clearance rate greater than 65% at the same concentration. When incubated with iridium nanozyme and hemoglobin, the fluorescence spectra remained unchanged. RBCs maintained good structural integrity after co-incubation with iridium nanozyme. Conclusion The synthesized nanozymes have significant hydrogen peroxide and superoxide dismutase activities. Ultra-small iridium nanoparticle, with a size of 1-2 nm, do not compromise the structure of hemoglobin or RBC integrity. These findings preliminarily suggest that the ultra-small iridium nanozyme holds promise for application in combating oxidative damage of RBCs, thereby enhancing the safety and efficacy of blood products.
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Retrospective Analysis of the Characteristics of Blood Donors from 17 Provincial-level Blood Centers
LIU Yanyan, HUANG Xia, CHEN Min, XU Jing, LI Wusheng, XU Hua, HOU Linghua, WANG Lin, LI Ying, LU Changchun, ZHANG Heng, XUE Shuanglin, HAN Wenli, WU Nan, XU Xiaojun, HU Na, LIANG Huaqin
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  491-498.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.011
Abstract ( 153 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(1298KB) ( 57 )  
Objectives This article statistically analyzed the basic characteristic parameters of blood donors from 2017—2022, for providing reference for the continuousimprovement of blood collection. Methods We Selected 17 provincial blood centres that are members of the blood collection and supply institution practice comparison working group in mainland China, with 15 parameter data reflecting the characteristics of the blood donation population. The data group from 2017—2019 was set as the control group, and 2020—2022 was set as the observation group. The two groups of data were compared using F-test and chi-square. Results The data showed that there were significant changes in 10 parameters (accounting for 66.7%), namely the proportion of young first-time donors (18~24 years old), proportion of first-time donors (≥25 years old), proportion of first-time donors to all donors, participation rate of young donors (18~24 years old), trend of changes in donor base, proportion of donors turnover, rate of the delayed donations number of regular donors per year, number of people who intend to donate, and number of donors who have completed donations. Conclusion From 2017—2022, the blood donation population of 17 provincial-level blood centers in China has characteristics of high proportion of first-time donors to all donors, high turnover rate, and low overall participation rate of donors, etc., which has a certain continuity compared to previous years, in which the trend of changes in donor base and the rate of delayed donations have significant changes.
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Evaluation of Screening Results of Positive Bacteria of Apheresis Platelets in Shanghai
YANG Jianhao, QIU Yingjie, ZHANG Shunwei, DU Yi, HU Tianyan, XU Bei
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  499-504.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.012
Abstract ( 137 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF(429KB) ( 110 )  
Objectives To retrospectively analyze the bacterial results of 405 392 bags of apheresis platelets detected by Shanghai Blood Center, evaluate the occurrence and control of bacterial contamination of apheresis platelets in Shanghai, and provide basis for formulating bacterial contamination detection strategies and preventive measures. Methods From January, 2017 to December, 2023, the apheresis platelets collected at least 24 hours apart were sampled from the mother bag to the retention bag, and inoculated in aerobic culture bottles. The automatic microbial culture system was used for bacterial screening, and the positive bacterial data were statistically analyzed. Results From January 2017 to December 2023, a total of 423 initial positive samples were detected by using three culture systems. Through statistical analysis, the initial positive rate was 10.43×10-4, the confirmed positive rate was 1.95×10-4, the uncertain positive rate was 1.33×10-4, and the inconsistent positive rate was 0.12×10-4. 32 species and 151 strains of bacteria were detected by MALDI-TOF MS Among the positive results, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus cephalus and Staphylococcus hominis accounted for a high proportion. Among the uncertain results, Bacillus brevis, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus capitis account for a high proportion. Among the inconsistent positive results, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Streptococcus Constellation, Autolytic bacteria and Paecilomyces fortis were the main ones. Bacillus brevis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus Mojave and Staphylococcus hominis account for a high proportion in the false positive results. Bacillus cereus, Lactococcus gasseri and Bacillus licheniformis were the main bacteria detected within 12 h after the initial positive report. The main bacteria detected within (12~24) h were Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus agalactiae. Among the confirmed positive bacteria, the number of skin conditional pathogens group was significantly higher than that of environmental conditional pathogens and common pathogens group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion By using automatic blood culture system to detect bacteria in apheresis platelets collected in Shanghai from 2017 to 2023, 405 392 cases of detection data were retrospectively analyzed, and relatively reliable and complete data of bacterial screening of apheresis platelets collected in large samples were obtained. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus cephalus and Staphylococcus hominis accounted for a high proportion of positive results. The results showed that there was no statistical difference in bacterial positive detection results of platelet collected by three culture devices, and Bact/Alert 3D and Autobio culture systems were in operation. BACTEC system has advantages in sensitive detection. Relevant units can select relevant equipment according to application scenarios.
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Analysis on Characteristics of HEV Co-infection with HBV among Blood Donors
LI Suping, HU Xiaoyu, FANG Ye, CHEN Zhichao, JIANG Feifei, WANG Ting
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  505-510.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.013
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Objectives To investigate the characteristics of hepatitis E virus(HEV) and co-infection with hepatitis B virus (HBV) among blood donors in Hefei, and analyze the relationship between HEV and HBsAg/HBV DNA detection results. Methods A total of 1 301 blood samples collected from voluntary blood donors in Hefei from July 1, 2021 to February 25, 2023 were randomly selected to be included in the study. According to HBsAg and HBV DNA detection results, they were divided into 169 HBsAg positive blood donors,102 HBsAg negative blood donors, 1 030 eligible blood donors. Plasma HEV Ag、anti HEV IgM and anti HEV-IgG were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) diagnostic kit. According to the results of anti-HEV antibody detection, 100 qualified group specimens, 20 HBsAg positive group specimens and 30 HBsAg negative group specimens were further detected by RT-PCR. The statistical analysis focused on the presence of anti HEV-IgM and anti HEV-IgG antibodies in the three groups. Results All 1 301 samples from 3 groups were negative for HEV Ag. The positive rate of HBsAg negative group was 22.55%, compared with HBsAg positive group(22.55% vs 17.75%), there was no significant difference(P>0.05),but compared with the eligible blood donors (22.55% vs 13.79%), the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Anti HEV-IgM+IgG antibodies were detected in both the HBsAg positive group and eligible blood donors group, with positive rates of 1.18% and 0.29%, respectively. Meanwhile, the positive rate of anti-HEV-IgM antibody was 0.39% in the eligible blood donors. No HEV RNA was detected in the plasma of the three groups of donors. The positive rate of anti HEV antibody in the HBsAg negative group increased with age, and the difference was significant(P<0.01). In the HBsAg positive group, the positive rate of anti HEV antibody was the highest prevalent among 41 to 50 years(27.27% and 27.04%), followed by the aged 51 to 55 years. The positive rate of anti HEV antibody in different gender blood donors was 16.74% in males and 11.28% in females(P<0.05) .The male were more frequent than females 3.5∶1 for HEV infection. Conclusion Hepatitis E virus co-infection among HBV DNA reactive blood donors in Hefei, mostly with past infection but also acute infection,and the majority HEV infectiont rate in the occult infection status of HBV.
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Platelet Transfusion Refractoriness: Understanding the Clinical Significance of Platelet Autoantibodies
WEN Yujie, FAN Chengyan, ZHANG Dan, LI Dongmei, SUN Tiecheng, JIA Yanjun, LIU Na
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  511-515.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.014
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Objectives To observe the differential impact of platelet autoantibodies and alloantibodies on the complexity of platelet cross-matching procedures and the subsequent efficacy of transfusions. Methods We retrospectively analyzed 106 patients with platelet transfusion refractoriness (PTR) who underwent platelet antibody identification at our laboratory from July 2021 to September 2023. Based on the type of platelet antibody detected, the patients were divided into two groups: the observation group of 20 patients with autoantibodies and the control group of 86 patients with alloantibodies. We compared key outcomes between the two groups, including the percentage of successful matching attempts, the proportion of compatible donors, the 24-hour corrected count increment (CCI) values following cross-matched and random platelet transfusions, and the overall transfusion effectiveness. Additionally, we tracked the changes in autoantibody levels within the observation group. Results The observation group exhibited significantly higher percentages of matching times and matching donors than those in the control group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference in the CCI values or tranfusion effectiveness between cross-matched and random platelets in the observation group (P>0.05), while in the control group transfusions of cross-matched platelets yielded significantly higher 24-hour CCI values and effectiveness rates than those with random platelets (P<0.001). Although the 24-hour CCI values of crossed-matched platelet recipients and effectiveness rates in the control group exceeded those in the observation group (P<0.05), no significant difference was detected between random platelet recipients across both groups (P>0.05). Over time, autoantibody levels in the observation group generally decreased. Conclusion Platelet autoantibodies exert a lesser influence on the challenges associated with platelet crossed-matching and transfusion outcomes compared to alloantibodies. The intensity of platelet autoantibodies shows a pattern of gradually decreasing and even disappearing over time. In clinical practice, management of autoantibody-positive patients should prioritize the identification of underlying causes and the implementation of targeted therapies. When platelet transfusion is indicated, random donor platelets could be a viable option, especially in autoantibody-positive cases.
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Clinical Efficacy and Safety of ABO Incompatible Platelet Transfusion
ZHUANG Jinmu, ZHOU Shiqiao
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  516-520.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.015
Abstract ( 4121 )   HTML ( 5)   PDF(231KB) ( 136 )  
Objectives To study the clinical efficacy and safety of ABO incompatible platelet transfusion in emergency situations. Methods 271 cases of ABO incompatible platelet transfusion in our hospital from January 2020 to January 2024 were collected, and 128 cases were enrolled which were divided into bidirectional mismatch group (10 cases), major mismatch group (56 cases), and minor mismatch group (62 cases). All 128 patients had ABO homologous platelet transfusion history before and within 10 days after ABO incompatible platelet transfusion. The incompatible transfusion was set as the ABO blood group incompatible experimental group (subgroup B), the previous ABO homozygous platelet transfusion was set as the ABO homozygous control group (subgroup A), and the subsequent ABO homozygous platelet transfusion was set as the ABO homozygous experimental group (subgroup C). Platelet count change after platelet transfusion (△PLT) and 24 h platelet corrected count Increment (CCI) were used to evaluate the clinical effect of platelet transfusion, and the safety of platelet transfusion was assessed by the presence or absence of hemolytic transfusion reactions. Results In the bidirectional mismatch group, there was no significant difference in △PLT and CCI among subgroups A, B and C (P>0.05). In the major mismatch group, the △PLT and CCI of subgroup B were significantly lower than those of subgroups A and C (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between subgroup A and C (P>0.05). In the minor mismatch group, there was no significant difference in △PLT and CCI among subgroups A, B and C (P>0.05). There was no acute hemolytic transfusion reactions in any of the ABO incompatibility infusion. Conclusion The clinical effect of ABO major mismatch platelet transfusion is obviously weaker than that of ABO compatible platelet transfusion, but did not affect the outcome of subsequent ABO homozygous platelet transfusion. The clinical effect of ABO minor mismatch platelet transfusion is similar to that of ABO compatible platelet transfusion, but could potentially affect the outcome of subsequent ABO homozygous platelet transfusions. No significant hemolytic transfusion reaction was found by ABO incompatible platelet transfusion.
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Levels of Serum Uric Acid and Lipid in First-time Plasma Donors in Guangdong and Guangxi
HUANG Yaojing, CHEN Zhengkang, LU Aihong, LU Baiye, ZHU Yikuan, HUANG Junli, YE Lan, ZHOU Yufei
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  521-530.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.016
Abstract ( 141 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(462KB) ( 133 )  
Objectives To investigate the levels of serum uric acid(SUA) and lipids in first-time donors from Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and its risk factors. Methods A total of 11485 first-time donors in Guangxi (Bama and Pingguo) and coastal areas in Guangdong (Suixi and Lianjiang) between April 2021 and August 2022 by completely random sampling were randomly selected. The levels of SUA, high density lipoprotein (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein (LDL-C), total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) were analyzed. Results Among the 11 485 first-time donors, the proportion of abnormal SUA was 22% and dyslipidemia rate was 57.6%. The levels of UA, LDL-C, TC and TG were significantly correlated with age (UA: rall=-0.291, rmale=-0.138, rfemale=-0.170; rLDL-C=0.300, rTC=0.340, rTG=0.234; P<0.001). The levels of SUA, HDL-C, LDL-C, TC and TG were significantly correlated with their BIM (UA: rall=0.201, rmale=0.243, rfemale=0.241; rHDL-C=-0.273, rLDL-C=0.316, rTC=0.275, rTG=0.335; P<0.001). There were significant differences in SUA and lipids (HDL-C, LDL-C, TC, TG) among first-time donors in different plasma station (P<0.001). There were significant differences in the levels of HDL-C, LDL-C and TC among different blood types (P<0.001). The levels of SUA and TG in males were significantly higher than those in females (UA: 366 μmol/L vs 262 μmol/L, TG: 1.4 mmol/L vs 1.4 mmol/L, P<0.001). The levels of HDL-C and TC in females were significantly higher than those in males (HDL-C: 1.1 mmol/L vs 0.9 mmol/L, TC: 3.7 mmol/L vs 3.6 mmol/L, P<0.001). There were significant differences in SUA, HDL-C and TC levels between Han nationality and ethnic minorities (P<0.001). The rates of abnormal SUA and dyslipidemia among different regions, genders, blood types and nationalities (P<0.001). The plasma station, dyslipidemia, sex, age, weight and height of donors were independent risk factors (P<0.001). The plasma station, abnormal SUA, sex, blood type, age, weight and height were independent risk factors for dyslipidemia (P<0.001). The plasma station, sex, weight and height were independent risk factors of abnormal SUA and dyslipidemia (P<0.001). Conclusion The abnormal SUA and dyslipidemia of first-time donors in Guangdong and Guangxi areas were higher. The abnormal rate of the above indicators in coastal areas of Guangdong was higher than that in inland areas of Guangxi. It is speculated that this may be related to the different eating habits of the two places.
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Evaluation of Intelligent Blood Cross-matching System for Improving Rh Compatibility Transfusion
FAN Rui, SHI Fangfang, MA Yunjing, SHANG Weiwei, TANG Wenfei, ZHANG Xiaoying, MA Haimei
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  531-534.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.017
Abstract ( 126 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(276KB) ( 116 )  
Objectives To evaluate the application of intelligent blood cross-matching system in improving Rh compatibility transfusion. Methods A retrospective analysis was conducted to review red blood cell transfusion in our hospital. Patients in 2022 and 2023 was used as the experimental group, patients in 2020 and 2021 as the control group. The intelligent blood cross-matching system was used for maximizing Rh five antigens cross-matching for transfusion. ABO blood group, red blood cell irregular antibodies, and Rh (D, C, E, c, e) antigen were detected. The distribution characteristics of Rh antigen phenotypes and antigen frequency were analyzed. The proportion of Rh phenotype matching for transfusion between blood donors and patients was summarized. The composition of irregular antibodies and Rh antibodies were also analyzed. Results The most common phenotype in RhD-positive patients was CCee, and RhD-negative phenotype was ccee. The results of antigen frequency showed that D antigen frequency was the highest 99.55% and E antigen frequency was the lowest 49.30%. The frequency of D gene was 99.55%, and E gene was 28.66%. Based on data of Rh five-antigen cross-matching for transfusion in different scores over the years, the matching rate above 90 points increased year by year, there was a significant difference compared with the control group. The other scores showed a decreased trend. In the composition of irregular antibodies, the proportion of Rh antibodies continued to decrease, with anti-E being the most common, followed by anti-Ce. Conclusion The use of intelligent blood cross-matching system to facilitate Rh five-antigen cross-matching for transfusion not only reduces the probability of antibody production, but also enhances transfusion safety. It improves the effectiveness of transfusion therapy by reducing the ineffectiveness of infusion.
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Machine Learning-based Development and Application of a Precise Blood Donor Recruitment Strategy in Nanjing
CHEN Juan, ZHAO Zuoyan, TIAN Jinyue, ZHANG Zihan, ZHOU Chun, CAI Lina, MA Yuchi, ZHOU Qingyang, XUE Hui, LIANG Wenbiao
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  535-543.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.018
Abstract ( 134 )   HTML ( 2)   PDF(571KB) ( 109 )  
Objectives To establish and apply a precise blood donor recruitment model based on machine learning in Nanjing, thus enhancing the efficiency and quality of blood donation recruitment, incresing the number of blood donors, and ensuring the safety and sufficiency of blood supply. Methods This study retrospectively investigated blood donation and SMS recruitment data from Jiangsu Blood Center from 2017 to 2022. Various machine learning models, including eXtreme Gradient Boosting, Support Vector Machine, K-Nearest Neighbors, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest, and multi-layer perceptron models were used. These models were trained via techniques such as synthetic minority oversampling, under-sampling and cost-sensitive methods (mean false error and mean squared false error).The grid search method was used to select the machine learning models with better performance. Results The implemented machine learning model demonstrated a 57.79% improvement in the success rate of recruiting high willingness blood donors. Additionally, it reduced the number of SMS sending by 40.05%, and increased the recruitment efficiency of each SMS by an average of 12.26% compared with the conventional method. Conclusion Machine learning algorithms could accurately identify potential blood donors, thereby improving recruitment efficiency, reducing unnecessary SMS messages, decreasing recruitment costs, and providing an effective means to ensure the safety and adequacy of blood supply.
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Practice and Exploration of Design and Construction of Blood Donation Places Based on Kansei Engineering-Wuhan as An Example
CHEN Hong, ZHANG Zhi, XIANG Zhengguo
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  544-548.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.019
Abstract ( 110 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(253KB) ( 184 )  
With the acceleration of ageing population in China, the advancement of medical technology and the increase of the demand for health, the contradiction between supply and demand of blood becomes more and more prominent. As a link between blood donors and clinical patients, blood donation places are not only the space to implement the system of unpaid blood donation, but also the important infrastructure to continue the urban blood supply. The layout and design of blood donation sites are related to the efficiency of blood collection, the layout of urban planning and the display of civilization image, and have a profound impact on the life and health of the people, the development of urban health and social harmony. As a central city and medical capital in central China, the planning and construction of blood donation places is particularly important. Wuhan Blood Center will introduce the concept of “Kansei engineering” into the planning and construction of blood donation sites, and build a resonance with the public, symbiosis with the city, resonance with the future of urban blood donation space. It will help to optimize the experience of blood donation, ensure the sustainable development of blood donation, raise the sense of urban warmth, and endow more humanistic background for the construction of a healthy China and the high-quality development of unpaid blood donation.
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Explore to Establish Procurement Management System for Blood Centers
WANG Yongjia, CHEN Shiyu, JIANG Xiaobo, YUAN Hua, SUN Yunhua, WANG Jun, MA Qing
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  549-555.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.020
Abstract ( 99 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(335KB) ( 141 )  
Objectives To ensure the rationality and safety of the use of procurement funds effectively, we established a procurement management system for blood centres and analyzed its application effects. Methods Based on national policies and the procurement characteristics of the industry, a standardized procurement management system was established and implemented through pilot projects and multi-stage implementation. The application effect of the system was analyzed from three aspects: improving work efficiency, selecting procurement methods and information disclosure, and optimizing and perfecting procurement documents. Results A continuous improvement and self-perfecting procurement management system was formed by establishing an "implementation-audit-control" power hierarchy, and establishing a full-process procurement internal control system (procurement process internal control mechanism, performance evaluation and improvement mechanism, risk control mechanism). After the implementation of the procurement management system (2019—2023) compared with the period before the implementation (2015—2017), the annual efficiency of processing the number of projects in the procurement increased by 23.64%, and the procurement work efficiency was significantly improved. The proportion of projects procured through external bidding increased from (23.18±6.10)% to (62.79±2.31)%, and the proportion of projects procured through the procurement review team deliberation decreased from (76.82±6.10)% to (16.39±3.39)%. The difference in the proportion of procurement methods is statistically significant (P<0.05), indicating that procurement review is becoming more professional. The proportion of projects with public announcements increased from (23.18±6.10)% to (99.3±1.56)%, and the difference is statistically significant (P<0.05), showing that information disclosure is becoming more transparent. After the establishment of the procurement management system, the modification rate of procurement documents reached (36.31±12.19)%, and procurement work is becoming more standardized. Conclusion The establishment of the procurement management system effectively controls the use of procurement power, improves work efficiency, further ensures the compliance and security of the use of funds by blood supply institutions, and the systematization, standardization, and proceduralization of the procurement process, to build a clean, compliant, and upright procurement environment, which is worth promoting and applying.
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Management Service towards Voluntary Non-remunerated Blood Donors in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle
CHENG Ying, CHEN Peng, WANG Fang, WU Qiang, TIAN Geng Bo
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  556-562.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.021
Abstract ( 97 )   HTML ( 1)   PDF(317KB) ( 106 )  
Objectives To investigate the construction and management mode of volunteer donor team in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and propose improvement strategies to provide data for optimizing donor service management. Methods A total of 1 000 volunteers, 500 from Chongqing and 500 from Chengdu, were enrolled from January to June 2024. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire included two parts: basic information and a rating scale. The latter used a Likert scale to score behavior patterns, subjective awareness, service motivation, life happiness, and intention for continued service. Data analysis were performed using SPSS version 26.0, including descriptive statistics, factor analysis, linear regression analysis, and model fit assessment. Results The result showed that the young (aged 18~25) , with high education (such as bachelor's degree or above) and high-income (monthly incomes of 8 001 yuan or more) groups had significantly higher scores in the service motivation (scores 3.38, 3.40, and 3.47, P<0.05, respectively) and life happiness (3.53, 3.57, and 3.63, P<0.05, respectively). Chengdu volunteers were significantly higher than Chongqing volunteers in terms of subjective awareness (3.59, P<0.01), service motivation (3.35, P<0.01) and intention for continued service (3.57, P<0.05) (3.51, 3.28, 3.39, respectively). The linear regression analysis showed that life happiness (partial regression coefficient=0.214, P<0.001), service motivation (0.200, P<0.001), subjective awareness (0.117, P=0.013), and behavior patterns (0.130, P=0.019) had a significant positive influence on the intention for continued service. The model fit assessment showed that the model had good fit, fit indices: chi-square ratio by degrees of freedom (χ2/df)=1.844, goodness-of-fit index (GFI)=0.933, root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.006, comparative fit index (CFI)=0.919, normed fit index (NFI)=0.958, and non-normed fit index (NNFI)=0.942. All of them meet the goodness of fit criteria. Conclusion The study revealed the key factors affecting the behavior and attitude of volunteers, and found differences in volunteer service between Chengdu and Chongqing. It is suggested that measures such as enhancing social responsibility, optimizing recruitment and training strategies, enhancing service motivation and subjective awareness, focusing on life happiness, establishing incentive mechanism and strengthening regional cooperation, should be taken to promote the high-quality development of volunteer service in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle.
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The Past, Present and Prospect of Whole Blood Transfusion
ZHANG Lingling, LIU Erxiong, LIU Zhixin, AN Qunxing, YIN Wen
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL TRANSFUSION AND LABORATORY MEDICINE. 2024 (4):  563-569.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1671-2587.2024.04.022
Abstract ( 3441 )   HTML ( 4)   PDF(250KB) ( 231 )  
Whole blood was the earliest blood product ever used, however, with the advent of component transfusion treatments, whole blood all but disappeared from blood bank lists in the 1970 s. In recent years, based upon the successful military experience, the use of whole blood to resuscitate patients with hemorrhagic trauma has again attracted the attention of the blood transfusion circle,and it has gradually been introduced from the military field to the civilian treatment settings.Based on the guidelines for whole blood transfusion at home and abroad and related published studies, this paper reviews the classification of whole blood, history of whole blood use, whole blood storage and platelet protection, removal of whole blood white blood cells, inactivation of whole blood pathogens, and urgent problems to be solved in scientific and accurate transfusion of whole blood, and looks forward to its future development direction, providing reference for the introduction of whole blood more widely, and the development of blood transfusion medicine.
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